12 Months to a Healthier You: February 2014

12 Months to a Healthier You is a monthly challenge I’ve decided to take on. By taking on small challenges every month I’m hoping to make lifelong changes in the way I live.

Wow, has it really been a whole month already? Let’s just say that living a healthy lifestyle is hard work! I hope that as time goes on this challenge gets easier!

As a reminder, here are this year’s focus areas:

12 Months to a Healthier You

Focus Areas for 2014

January: Exercise Regularly
February: Eat More Fresh Fruits & Veggies
March: Drink More Water
April: Cut Back on Sugar
May: Get More Rest
June: Create a Morning Routine
July: Read More
August: Go to Bed Earlier
September: Declutter Your Home
October: Cut Back on Caffeine
November: Keep a Gratitude Journal
December: Simplify & Say No

January Review: Exercise Regularly

So, in all honestly, I haven’t been very good about this. I used the elliptical a few times and it was very hard. I am not in shape. I thought my original plan would be a piece of cake. After all, the machine is right in our basement. I don’t even have to leave the house. But, even though it may sound easy, for me, doing anything at night (after a long day at work) that is not an absolute priority is just not as do-able as I hoped it would be. I’ve been getting home super exhausted and have been going to bed earlier (I guess I’m sort of skipping ahead to August’s challenge) which I’m glad about, but I just don’t know how I can add extra things in to my schedule.

And as for the planks… don’t ask. As I’m typing this I am adding a reminder into my Google calendar to remind me to do this every night. It may only take a few seconds, but the only way I’ll do it is if I remember to do it. DH even printed out the schedule so we’d have it on Shabbos… too bad it’s been hidden away so it doesn’t take up any room on my kitchen counter. So this one will be a work in progress… I’ll be starting again tonight!

February Goal: Eat More Fresh Fruits and Veggies

So, while I’m still working on January’s challenge, I have to also move forward onto February’s challenge of eating more fruits and veggies. My plan is to make salads for lunch and also make sure to take at least 1-2 fresh fruits or veggies with me to work for snack. Definitely do-able as long as I take a few seconds to pack food for myself every morning.

I also want to work on eating healthier snacks while I’m at home… something really hard for me.  I definitely have my work cut out for me this month!

Do you exercise regularly? How do you find the time to do it?

Until next time,