I recently decided that in order to make meal planning faster and easier I will attempt to make a master meal list. This is basically a list of every meal you have ever served/cooked. We used to have some sort of list floating around, but I have no idea where it went. I hope that this will force me to plan our meals a little better and more easily. Every week I basically have to choose from a list and put it somewhere on my calendar. What could be easier?
Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:
- Chicken-less Nuggets
- Fajita
- Falafel
- Frittata
- Meatballs and Spaghetti
- Morning Star Burgers
- Pasta
- Pizza
- Salmon
- Salmon Croquettes
- Stir Fry
- Tuna Noodle Casserole
- Vegetarian Chili
Shabbos Appetizers
- Chicken Soup (with Matza Balls)
- Fruit Soup
- Gefilte Fish
- Melon
- Pumpkin Bisque
- Vegetable Soup
- Zucchini Soup
Shabbos Main
- Balsamic Chicken with Spinach
- Beef and Broccoli
- Chicken and Rice
- Chicken Salad
- Chicken with Sauce
- Chicken with Zucchini
- Cholent
- Meatloaf
- Roast Chicken
- Schnitzel
- Shake and Bake Chicken
- Shepherd’s Pie
- Spiced Braised Beef with Sweet Potatoes In Crockpot
- Stuffed Cabbage
- Turkey Legs
Shabbos Side Dishes
- Acorn Squash
- Broccoli Corn Kugel
- Broccoli Kugel
- Butternut Squash
- Butternut Squash Kugel
- Cauliflower Kugel
- Couscous
- Kasha
- Lokshen Kugel
- Mashed Potatoes
- Rice
- Roasted Asparagus
- Roasted Potatoes
- Roasted Zucchini
- Sesame Noodles
- Spinach Kugel
- Spinach Noodle Kugel
- Steamed Vegetables
- String Beans
- Sweet Potatoes
- Zucchini Kugel
Make sure to check out these and more recipes I’ve posted here on the blog for more ideas.
Until next time,