We’ve been trying to get DS1 to use the potty for a while now. He likes to sit on it, but that’s about it. I made him a really awesome potty chart with a train on it and even laminated it. We hung it up in the bathroom and he sees it all the time. He knows that when he makes on the potty he will get a sticker and after 5 stickers, we will buy pull-ups (just like his friend L has at daycare).
He’s always so excited about getting a sticker, until he wants to come off the potty. Then all of a sudden he doesn’t want a sticker anymore. Same results with offering cookies. I figure that when he’s ready it’ll all happen, but it’s hard not to get frustrated with out snail-like progress.
I just came across an article about the 7 annoying things people say about potty training and it made me feel much better. I’m not alone and I’m not the only one who gets secretly annoyed when people make the same comments over and over and over again.
As a working mom, one thing I was super concerned about was how I’ll find the time to potty-train. We get home at 6pm and DS1 goes to bed very soon after. That only leaves the weekends, which are pretty busy too. So, I spoke to daycare and they were willing to take DS1 to the potty with the other kids. I feel better already knowing that daycare is partnering with me in this (sorta yucky) endeavor.
How did you find time to potty train your kids? Was it as frustrating for you as it is for me?
Until next time,