V Day Party at Daycare

DS1 is having a Valentine’s Day party.  As you know, my kids are not in a Jewish daycare, but I still want them to be a part of their class and participate in all the activities.  So, this morning DS1 got dressed in his red shirt and red socks.  Last night we made V-day cards for all his friends and I prepared all the snacks for his V-day party.  I felt like a good mom- really on top of everything so he can enjoy the day.

I admit that I don’t know the first thing about V-day, but I thought it was more of an adult kind of holiday.  I wasn’t aware that 2 year olds celebrate it too.  Guess I still have a lot to learn.

So here’s my confession.  I had no idea what it meant to send in V-day cards to his friends.  I asked the teacher and she said to just send in a small note.  So being the cheap computer saavy person that I am, I printed out 4 cards per page from Microsoft Word.

{I also made one for each of his teachers… what can I say?  I want them to like me.}  Then last night, I had DS1 color all of the smiley faces and told him that we were making these notes for his friends.  He likes coloring, so that part went pretty smoothly.

I thought this idea was really smart.  No one is going to keep the cards anyway, so why spend time and money on them?  DS1 was involved in the process, which makes me the best mom ever!  That was my thinking, but obviously there are parents who think differently.  When I walked into school this morning I saw that one parent had bought these nice heart cards and attached them to a small coloring book she was giving out.  Thank G-d that kid isn’t in the same class as DS1!

There’s something that still bothers me about all of this.  I hate spending so much time on a holiday that we don’t celebrate.  I’m still trying to figure out the right balance to have.  DS1 was so excited about the party today, but I didn’t feel obligated to tell him why he’s having a party.  After all, he’s only 2 and I’d rather get him excited for Purim, not V-day.

Until next time,