Working full time definitely makes it harder to get things done. Last week, while driving home from the train station after work, I noticed that my car’s inspection sticker read “07 2012” and I freaked out. Why wasn’t I on top of this? I usually am… and I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the month already! I didn’t want to risk getting a ticket for something that could’ve been avoided, so the next day I went to the DMV’s website to see which night was the late night for car inspections (here the inspection is free if you go to the DMV). In the past I always went after work, so I just expected to come home a little later one night. To my surprise there are no more late nights! The DMV ‘s hours are now 8am-4:30pm making it impossible to go on my own time. Unbelievable.
This is only the tip of the iceberg (so to speak). There are way too many institutions (think banks, libraries, recycling centers, doctor/dentist offices, etc…) that don’t accommodate people who work. Oh how I wish I could just run out during my lunch break to take care of some of these things, but either it’s too far from work or it would take longer than my actual break time. Oh the troubles.
The way I’ve been getting around some of this is by making all of my appointments on Friday mornings- the day I work from home. Since I’m home it’s close to all these places and easy for me to just sneak out for a small amount of time. For example: two weeks ago I went to the doctor, last week was the car inspection (yay! Car passed! Phew- because if not, I’d have to find more time to have the car fixed and then go back for another inspection) and this week I’ll be going to the bank. Exciting. I know.
I don’t like using work time to do my personal things, but what option do I have? I can’t take a vacation day every time I need to do something, so instead I just work flexible hours. When I’m at home, there’s no commute and I don’t have to get all dressed up, so I sign in really early (around 7:30-8am). I also stay signed on until at least 5pm and can stay on later if necessary. My boss is ok with this and I’m pretty open about where I am and the hours I’m working.
So, I’m wondering- what do the rest of you do??
Until next time,