Plan a Cooking Day (Step 5): Preparation

This series is to help you make the most of your cooking day.
Click here to view the entire series.

planfreezercookingYou’ve made it!  Now onto the last step-

In order to spend your entire day cooking, there are so many things that can be done in advance.  While planning, also try to plan when you will take care of the following steps:

  1. Shop for all ingredients
  2. Print all documents so they are easy to find. This includes recipes, cooking plan and labels (if using).
  3. Earmark cookbook recipes you’ll be using for easy access.
  4. Make sure all utensils are clean and ready to use.  (see my list of “must haves”)
  5. Find all additional “accessories” you may want to use: extra hand towels, cookbook stand, trivets etc…

The night before your cooking day, see if you have time to get a head start with these easy tasks:

  1. Defrost meat/chicken/fish
  2. Chop veggies
  3. Brown meat
  4. Cook chicken or rice used in recipes

Once these things are out of the way, you will be all ready to do what you’ve been planning all along- cook for your freezer!

This is the conclusion of the Plan a Cooking Day Series.  I hope this series really allowed you to maximize the amount of cooking you can do in a short amount of time.  Stay tuned for some more tips and ideas to make your cooking day even easier!

Until next time,