I cannot believe that Pesach is almost here! Usually people get all uptight, but I’m excited to be on vacation. No work for 8 whole days. I have no idea what we’ll be doing for Chol Hamoed yet, but I’m still excited. I’ve been so busy at work that I can’t even seem to find the time to plan a few simple day trips. What’s a gal to do?
This Shabbos we’re so lucky to have my sister over. I already warned her about my simple menu and she’s on board anyway. Guess she can’t wait to spend some quality time with her nephews.
Here’s what we’re having:
Friday night:
- Chicken soup (freezer) with matza balls
- Stuffed cabbage (sent from Mom)
- Oven baked rice
- Sweet potatoes
Shabbos lunch:
- Gefilte fish (maybe- could only find the KLP kind)
- Cholent
- Kishka
- Broccoli kugel
- Bourekas (store-bought)
I consider this a pretty special menu. On it are things I don’t usually make, but somehow found the energy for on Thursday night.
Wow, as I’m typing this post I am yearning for Shabbos to come already! You know that peace of mind you have the second after you light Shabbos candles? That’s what I am most looking forward to!
Until next time,