Yup, I’m posting on a Sunday. Not sure what possessed me. Usually I wait until Monday, but with a busy (short) week ahead, Sunday it is!
Part of the reason why I haven’t been posting too much is because our computer is under repair. DH says it should be up and running soon…
Another reason for my lack of posting is because I recently switched departments at work. My new position is awesome, but keeps me so busy! By the time I get home from work, I’m done for the night.
My 2 older boys started school which means we are on a new schedule. I don’t want to go into too much detail- I don’t want to give it an ayin hara, because it’s been working! Just think- earlier bed time. Win-win for all!
If you haven’t seen my blog, check it out. Even though I haven’t been posting, I had a real urge to update the look. It’s not that different than before, but I like it better 😉 Let me know what you think!
I have so many ideas for posts… I really hope that I have time to write them all up! Thank you for staying with me! Make sure to contact me if you have any suggestions.
Rosh Hashana
It’s so hard to believe that Rosh Hashana is this week! For those of you going away, don’t forget to use my ultimate packing list. As far as new year’s resolutions go, I am going to keep focusing on my resolution from last year, patience. With 3 little kids and another year of a lot of 3-day yom tovs, it’s a must!
Wishing you all a ksiva v’chasima tova!
Until next time,