This is our first year with 2 kids in yeshiva. It means more nachas, but also higher tuition and a bigger challenge to find childcare for all the days they have off.
The other thing I always forget to take into consideration is the Chanuka Play. Each child has his time when he performs for the parents. So not only do I have to take off for Chanuka vacation but I also had to take time off for each Chanuka play.

In all fairness the school tries to be considerate of working parents, so they schedule the Chanuka performances at 9am.
That’s great, but most of us have to be at work by then. Take that and the fact that trains/buses run less frequently by the time the play is over it’s almost not even worth going to work.
Don’t get me wrong. I fully understand what these plays are about. It’s a time for my children to shine and be proud of themselves. These performances instill confidence in our children. These things aren’t lost on me.

Of course took the appropriate time off to go to Chanuka plays. I wouldn’t miss them for the world. I think sometimes I enjoy them more knowing the sacrafices I made to be there for my kids.
How do you handle all the time off along with school plays?
Until next time,