I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I did. This past month’s 12 Months to a Healthier You challenge was to keep a gratitude journal. Each day I wrote down one thing I was grateful for. I’ve never had a journal before. Even though I don’t feel the need to re-read through every day of this past month, this challenge has taught me to find something to be grateful for every day. No matter how boring or hard that day was, there’s always something to be grateful for.
I liked this challenge so much, I may even continue doing it.
This was the perfect challenge for me to do on the way home from work, as I was getting into bed or when I had an extra 2 minutes. I used Google Keep for this list, so I was able to update it on my phone and computer- depending on which one I was closer to.
So, to prove I’ve done this challenge, here it is- my gratitude journal:
- My kids played nicely the entire day even though we were stuck inside because of the rain.
- Thankful that my sister and brother in law live nearby and volunteered to watch the kids for the day.
- Cooler weather. I got to wear my new coat and it was probably the first day I didn’t get to work wishing they’d turn up the AC.
- Leaving work on time. I got to walk to the train station and enjoy the nice weather.
- Washing machine. 3 loads of laundry. All in a day’s work.
- Frozen pizza. Kids love it and it’s an easy dinner to make for a busy Thursday night.
- Jury duty. DH has been coming home earlier than usual!
- Shabbos play dates to keep the kids occupied on cold days. And awesome friends for hosting us.
- Hot showers after a long day
- Our awesome babysitter for taking care of yucky messes
- Having off from work on Veteran’s Day and other legal holidays… and getting to spend the day with my kids. And going to bed early.
- Working from home so I could attend DS2’s birthday party in school
- Busy days and feeling productive
- Easy shabbos menus
- Shabbos with my family and the kids behaving!
- DH who loves to take family trips. We had a great day at the local science museum
- Productive meetings at work. I had confidence, led it myself and had a better response than I thought I would
- Remembering to bring lunch from home. Saved $ and I didn’t have to go out in the rain
- Pediatricians with evening hours
- Getting invited out for Shabbos lunch on a Thursday – the week I didn’t plan a menu.
- Parsha projects and kids who are proud of what they did in school
- Ds throwing up 2 minutes before havdalah. I got to clean him off properly with a warm bath and put his dirty clothes straight into the wash.
- DH cooking a fabulous dinner
- A short work week!
- Good reports at parent-teacher conferences
- Movie night with my boys
- Thanksgiving dinner with family
- Black Friday sales right as DS’s pants ripped
- Camomile tea and aspirin and for an amazing husband who made/got it for me.
- DH who was willing to sit through Disney on Ice for our children.
Did you keep a gratitude journal? What have you learned from it?
Until next time,