9 Things to Do in the Carpool Line

It’s the most dreaded time of day. Where we live, there isn’t any bus service, so we have to pick our kids up from school. Whether or not you arrange a carpool, there are always days it will be your turn to wait in the longest car line ever. The carpool line.

carpool line

Having spent a lot of time waiting in the carpool line, I put together the top 9 things I do while waiting for my kiddies. In no particular order, here they are:

1.  Eat a snack

Perfect time to sneak a special snack… you won’t have to share it with anyone.  Consider it fuel for the evening to come.

2.  Respond to emails/ check Facebook

Isn’t this what we all do to pass time?

3.  Attend conference calls for work

I can’t always arrange everything around my personal schedule.  It works when I need it to.

4.  Catch up with family and friends

Never a better time to catch up with my nearest and dearest when I have some quiet time with very few distractions.

5.  Relax and listen to some music

I recently realized that I barely ever listen to music anymore.  Not that 5 minutes would catch me up completely, but it would help me relax before the chaos begins.

6.  Enjoy the peace and quiet

Most often I find myself doing this one.  Doing absolutely nothing.  And enjoying every minute of it.

7.  Clean out your purse

I’ve filled up small garbage bags with all the old receipts dumped into my bag.  I’ve also been fortunate enough to find $20.  I love little surprises.

8.  Prepare menu plan and shopping list

This is what organized me is hoping I do – make good use of my time.  Unfortunately, this one doesn’t happen as much as it should

9.  Say a little prayer

Evenings at home with the kids are challenging!  Reaching out to the One above for some guidance and patience can go a long way.

What do you do when you find yourself with a short amount of time all by yourself?

Until next time,