2018 Holiday Menu Planners (Evernote Templates and Printables)

The Yom Tov season is upon us!  With Rosh Hashana just a little over a week away, we have started planning.

Since we don’t have work this Sunday and Monday (Labor Day), we figured we’d use the time to shop, cook and freeze!  Our menu will be some variation of what we had last year and since this year is only 2 days it seems like it’s easy as pie.

As I’ve done in the past, I wanted to provide you with some easy menu planners.  There’s a digital version and printable version.  Both super easy to use.

Not into elaborate menus?  Neither am I!  Click to read more >>>

Why I Post My Super Simple Menus

1. Evernote Template Menu Planner

If you haven’t used my Evernote templates before, you have been missing out!  I finally found an easy way to digitally menu plan- and it’s free too!

5 reasons why Evernote menu planning is great:

  1. You can access it from anywhere- phone, computer, home, work, etc…
  2. Easy to share, email and collaborate with others
  3. One place to view menu, shopping list, to do list
  4. Printable
  5. Easy to mark items complete with check boxes
  6. Link to recipes already saved in your Evernote account within your menu plan

To use the Evernote template, click on each of the links below, then click “View in Evernote” in the top right corner and you’re ready to use the template and customize it for your own needs.  A copy will be saved to your Evernote account, so don’t worry about anyone else seeing it – unless you share it with them.  The boxes will expand as you type in them.  It’s really that easy!

2. Printable Menu Planner

I know some people still prefer the always reliable pen and paper method of menu planning, so I also created a pretty printable for you to use if the digital template is not for you.

Wishing you all a ksiva v’chasima tova!

Until next time,