Every time someone gives me advice I don’t like , I am reminded that what may work for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. I even feel that way when I post tips on this blog. These things work so well for me that I can’t wait to share them with you. I then get carried away and just assume that everyone is following and doing exactly what I wrote, because it’s the best idea ever. In reality I realize that what works for me may not work for you.
As working moms it’s so important that we don’t get discouraged by what other people think and do. To combat this I just remind myself of well my systems work for me. If someone thinks it’s strange that I have a cereal dispenser on my kitchen counter then they probably don’t know how to empower their kids. If they think it’s strange that I have very simple holiday menus, then they obviously don’t prioritize as well as I do. You get the point. I use their discouragement as encouragement.
So, to all you hard working moms- keep doing what works for you!
Until next time,