Post Yom Tov season is a time for new beginnings. Kids are in school, holiday season is over, and we’re getting back into a routine.
For the past few months I’ve been feeling out of sorts. I’ve been letting my desires take over and I haven’t been accomplishing the things I want. Instead of doing exercise at night, I’m watching YouTube. Instead of meal planning I’ve been eating junk and buying take-out. I haven’t been taking my online training classes like I used to. I haven’t been blogging. You get the idea. All I’ve really been doing is wasting a lot of precious time.
I’ve let these time-wasters take over my life. I’ve let them be the excuse for not being productive and healthy.
So with the new Jewish year, I’m trying to change that. Baby steps. One at a time.
So what are the goals I’ve set to live this more meaningful, organized life?
- I made a menu plan.
- I designed a nightly schedule that allows me to take care of my kids, eat dinner, exercise, blog, and learn.
- I unfollowed many people on social media – now that I don’t follow them, I don’t waste time watching them.
I’ve been learning from my sister. Over the holidays she was telling me how she set a strict schedule for herself. She set goals. And now she’s getting stuff done. She’s running her own business, creating inspiring events for others, and is using her time wisely.
This post is not meant to brag about how successful my journey has been – I’ve only just begun, so I have nothing to brag about. My goal is to inspire you. You can make your life better. You can take control when things feel like they’re all over the place. You can make the right changes to live the life you want. Just do it.
Until next time,