I’ve spoken a lot in the past about how I’m anti folding clothes. Since my original posts, I’ve instituted many new bins into our lives and they’re working wonderfully, so I wanted to post an update. Maybe these easy to maintain systems will motivate you to try it out!
Here are some areas in our home we’ve been organizing:
1. My Dresser
Plastic shoe boxes are my savior. They make everything look organized and don’t cost more than $1. I use them as drawer dividers for my clothing. Now that I have them in place I can use the Marie Kondo method of folding to actually see the clothing I have.
I also dusted off my label maker. I bought it years ago, but never really used it. Now I added labels to my drawers so I can easily see where everything is without having to remember what each bin contains. I also added lables to my makeup drawers- which I had been wanting to do for a while. Go label makers!
2. Kids Rooms
DS1 had most of his clothes in hanging shelves in his closet, but this system didn’t feel like it was working anymore. His clothes are now larger and take up more space than they used to, so we moved one of the hanging storage units into another room and utilized his bins better. I bought these plastic label holders for the bins so everything is organized and labelled. Now he can easily find what he needs and it takes just a few minutes for him to put his laundry away. He loves it and I love it. Win win.
3. Linen Closet
I have a nice size closet in our hallway and I finally put up two hooks I bought at the Dollar Tree. One was for a plastic bag holder that had been taking up room on a shelf. The other hook is for my lingerie bag for my tights. Now I put the tights directly into the bag, instead of fishing them out of the hamper each time I do a load of laundry. Saves just a few minutes, but totally worth it!
Sometimes all it takes is a few hooks and labels to make everyone feel good and organized!

Until next time,