Welcome back everyone! Wow, it’s been a hot minute. My last post was in October 2020 – about 15 months ago – and a lot has happened in that time! Career and family has changed a ton (for the good) since we last spoke and I hope in time to share more with you about my journey and how we’ve been “managing”. I have a bunch of posts planned, but in all honesty, while blogs used to be a thing, they are not so much a thing anymore. I think most people prefer to see short reels on Instagram than read a blog post, but I still prefer to share on the blog. Maybe one day we’ll explore other avenues, but for now I’m staying right here and will use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to notify readers when there are new posts, so make sure to follow us on one of those platforms or subscribe to our email list.
While getting my blog up and running I found out that because I’ve been neglectful of checking my email subscriber service I lost some of the subscribers I had. If you don’t get the emails, please re-subscribe.
I want to keep true to what this blog is about… what it’s like being a full-time working mom. The posts I have planned are a mix of topics, including: career development, work-life balance, and organization, so stay tuned.
I’m looking forward to sharing again and hope you are too!
What topics would you like to hear more about? Leave a comment below.
Until next time,