3 Things I’m Loving: Daily Inspiration, Freezer Cooking, and Tidying

As much as I want my life to stop being busy, I’m grateful that I have such a full life. I don’t have time for a lot of things, but definitely make time for the important things.  This past month I’ve made an effort to do three things that I’ve really benefited from. So, let’s get into them!

1.  Aish.com Daily Emails

When I was single I subscribed to the dating email on Aish.com but that was it. Once I got married, I stopped the subscription and would only go to Aish.com when someone posted an interesting article on Facebook. A few weeks ago my mother forwarded me an email and it was one of these daily emails.  As soon as I read it I was subscribed.

aish email

These emails are short and have something for everyone.  There are 6 sections and each one is more interesting than the next.  In the few short weeks I’ve been reading them, I’ve already learned so much.  My two favorite sections are “Today in Jewish History” and “Ask the Rabbi”.  Now that I’m typing this I also want to mention that I love the short quote and photo at the end of the email.

These emails were the perfect solution to my dilemma.  I was feeling a little lost and left out from religion.  Long articles are not something I enjoy reading and I wanted to add some Jewishness to my morning commute.  This is the perfect way to start my day and I highly recommend you try them out!  Did I mention they’re free?

2.  Freezer Cooking

A while back I was having trouble getting into freezer cooking and wrote about how I motivated myself to start it up again. I have proof now that if you want to do it, you can make time for it.  I finally made a very small cooking plan and stuck to it.  I took advantage of a Sunday morning and just got.it.done.


I made 2 trays of meatballs and 3 sweet noodle kugels.  Because it was Sunday, I was able to pop them straight in the freezer.  It may not seem like I made a lot of food, but when Shabbos came around, I felt on top of the world!

3. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

So, I know that almost everyone has heard of this book.  So many blogs I read mentioned it in their favorites and when my co-worker also mentioned she was reading it I had to jump on the bandwagon.  While I’m not a huge reader and in general do not buy books, this book was only $10 on Amazon – so two days later it was at my house.

magic of tidying up

All I can say about this book is that I LOVE IT.  I haven’t finished reading it yet- have about 50 pages to go, but I completely understand all the hype.  I don’t think the book is quite “changing my life” but it’s a really great read.  I’m finding it hard to put into words what I like about it, so I’ll leave it at that.  When I finish the book I will try and do a more formal book review.

So, those are my 3 things I’m loving right now and I wanted to share them with you.  What have you been loving?

Until next time,