4 Ways I Spend Quality Time With My Kids

mother child

I used to think I didn’t spend quality time with my kids because I am out of the house for most of the day, but what I’ve come to realize is that I actually do spend a lot of time with them. It’s just not always in the usual traditional one-on-one quality time type of way.

So, in light of this realization, I wanted to share some unconventional ways we spend quality time together.

1. Video Chat/ Speak Over Phone

Since I’m not home when my kids get home from school, we’ve gotten into the habit of talking on the phone more. While I’m walking to the train my kids call me to discuss how their day was, make plans for the evening, and tell me about how they don’t like what I made for dinner. This gives us a chance to connect at the exact time my kids want to talk to me.

2. Run Errands Together

Can’t avoid the necessary evils of running errands, so now I encourage my kids to come along with me. We have fun while we’re shopping and the car ride is also a great time to connect.

3. Involve in Routine

Kids can help and do every day chores with you. My kids help me wih the laundry, cooking and cleaning. Sometimes they even exercise with me!

4. Join for Meals

Since I get home later than my children, I also eat later than they do. While I’m eating my dinner they join me at the table for some quality time.

How do you fit quality time in with your kids?

Until next time,