Guys- watch this video. I am a very organized person but I still thought this video was eye-opening, because I thought everyone did all of these things! I do 7 out of 7 and highly encourage you to at least listen to the tips in the video if you feel overwhelmed and that you aren’t on top of what’s going on. Implementing even one of these ideas will allow you to breathe a little more.
Here are my results. How do you think I rate?
- Have routines – I recently felt that I wasn’t accomplishing anything at night, so I made a routine! Now I have dedicated time at night to exercise and blog.
- Write everything down – I either put everything in my calendar or on my Google Task list. If it’s not written down, it probably won’t get done. I also noticed that as soon as it’s written down, my mind is a bit lighter because I don’t have the pressure of having to remember something.
- Categorical bins and baskets – yes- this is my life. Have you checked out my No-fold Laundry System or my bin systems?
- Use email organization tools– I don’t use any special tools, but love how in Gmail there are separate tabs for promotions and social media emails. I highly recommend you check them out!
- Take things to the right room – My number one rule for leaving a room is: do not leave empty handed!
- Utilize Do Not Disturb – you can turn off notifications, do not have your phone next to you all the time, and don’t need to drop everything to answer right away. Muting chats on Whatsapp is life changing.
- Use collaborative calendar – Yup, I only have 4 Google calendars, lol. I wrote the original post in 2013 and I still use the same system!
So, take the test- how organized are you? How many of these things have you implemented in your life?
Until next time,