7 Ways to Keep Your Kids Occupied on Those Long, Hot Shabbos Afternoons

long shabbos afternoons

Those long, hot Shabbos afternoons when it’s too hot to even go outside.  They are hard. Especially with very active children. And a mom who can’t stand the heat.

It’s true. I do not like to be outside when it’s so hot, but what choice do I have? My kids absolutely love it. And they most certainly need it.

With three young boys, we spend a lot of time in the yard or at the park, so when it’s very hot on Shabbos, I never know what to do. After 20 minutes of sitting in the shade I feel like I’m going to melt.

In order to keep my boys occupied on these long days I try my best to invite over play dates, but in all honesty, if I don’t want to go outside, neither do their parents, so it doesn’t always work.

Here are 7 activities you can do to get you through those long, hot Shabbos afternoons :

  1. Play outside… in 20 minute intervals. Plus you can usually add on another 20 minutes to this activity while everyone goes to the bathroom and puts on their shoes.
  2. Games! My kids are now old enough to play Trouble, Rummikub and Sorry
  3. Shabbos party! This one is the kids favorite, because it includes many many different snacks. I won’t lie- it’s one of my favorites too
  4. Read. This one isn’t a favorite in our home, but does have the potential to take up 10 minutes of our afternoon. Now that I make an effort to bring my kids to the library they always have something new to read
  5. Avos U’Banim (father -son learning ) my favorite because it doesn’t involve me 😉
  6. Family nap time – not a favorite of the kids, but definitely a winner for the parents. .. if the kids let them sleep
  7. Visit a neighbor. Even if it’s for 20 minutes. The neighbors may not appreciate it, but the kids will love the change of environment and you’ll enjoy the short break.

And there ya have it. My short list of activities we do on long shabbos afternoons when it’s too hot to be outside.

How do you occupy your kids when it’s hot out?

Until next time,