8 Easy Steps to Plan a Freezer Cooking Day: Infographic


When I first learned about freezer cooking I fell in love with the idea of “once a month cooking” – cook for a day, eat for a month.  At the time I had fewer children and apparently a lot more time on my hands to do this.  I planned elaborate cooking plans and I remember using my days off to freezer cook.  The best part of all of this were the weeks that followed.  I would literally pull out our entire Shabbos menu from the freezer and didn’t give it a second thought.  It was pretty awesome!

But, in the years since I have become busier with work and kids and find myself having less time to spend an entire day cooking.  Now I mainly do mini freezer cooking sessions, but still look forward to the day when I can do once a month cooking again.

Back in 2013 I wrote a series on how to plan a cooking day.  I remember writing it.  I was so excited to write my first series of posts.  I spent a long time working on it and it was well received.  It’s a bit out of date now (Ziplist has since been discontinued 🙁 ), but the ideas are the same, so I turned it into an easy to read infographic.

In conjunction with planning a freezer cooking day, check out my posts on my Freezer Cooking Must Haves – all the tools I use to make freezer cooking a breeze – and Freezer Cooking Handy Kitchen Hacks – some neat ideas for using what you already have to make your day more productive.

8 simple steps to plan a great freezer cooking day:

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Until next time,