8 Perfect Gifts for a Working Mom Like Me


Last year I bought myself a gift.  Remember my lunch crock-pot?  I still use it almost every single day.  It was the best purchase I’ve made and I don’t think I can top it this year.

Since I don’t think I’ll be buying myself any gifts this year I thought it would be fun to list out the perfect gifts for a busy working mom.  When our favorite gift giving holiday rolls around I won’t be disappointed if I don’t get gifts, but if you asked me what I’d want, I’d know exactly what to say.

8 Perfect Gifts For a Working Mom

  1. Shabbos take out… delivered.
  2. A night off… where I don’t have to do homework or bedtime and can roam around whatever store I want without being rushed.
  3. A magazine subscription to a magazine of my choice.
  4. Gift card to Target or Barnes and Noble (even a $5 gift card would make me happy! ).
  5. A special dessert (my favorites include anything Entenmann’s, ice cream, Reeses peanut butter cups).  Anything from the supermarket will do.
  6. A morning in bed by myself (no kids).  Not getting up until 12pm.  This one’s completely FREE!
  7. New linen… ours are faded and worn out. This is a practical option for a gift. I don’t want to splurge, but if someone would do it for me, who am I to stop them?  Also note that this would be a great gift in conjunction with the one mentioned above (#6).
  8. A professional 90-minute massage.  Don’t think I need to explain this one.

So, what would you like for Chanuka? 

Until next time,