How We Made Time for Bike Riding and Swimming

As working parents, DH and I wondered how our kids would ever learn how to bike ride and swim. These were things that I learned to do after camp hours while my mother took us swimming and let us play outside.

Since we’re not home until 6:30pm-7pm, my kids have a very different summer experience than I did. Their time is more structured and they are learning things differently.

DH and I learned that if we want anything done we have to make time for it. It’s not easy and we make sure to prioritize and not take on more than we can handle. Actually, we always take on more than we can handle, just try not to get upset when we can’t keep up with it all!

Bike Riding

Last year we spent every summer evening teaching our kids how to ride bikes. It was hard, but the end result was worth it.

Towards the beginning of the summer DH bought everyone a bike and a helmet. The little bikes have to be put together, so he did that too. Once we had the bikes we were ready to go.

DS1 wanted to learn without training wheels. The other two kids had training wheels to start.

Since DH and I both work long days we really had to make an effort and schedule time for this. No matter how hot it was or how tired and hungry we were when we got home from work, as soon as we would get home we would take the kids out on their bikes.

DH would spend time with DS1 while the other got used to peddling and eventually balancing. As soon as DS1 was riding himself we moved onto DS2 and then to DS3.

By the end of the summer all of the kids were riding two-wheelers!


Now, the goal this summer was to teach the kids how to swim. We don’t have an outdoor pool of our own, but after some research we found a pool close to our home and make an effort to go swimming at least twice a week.

Swimming is harder for me than bike riding because of all the changing and laundry involved. Thank G-d for my washing machine. I made sure each kid had two bathing suits and bought more inexpensive towels at Target.

Now when the kids come home from camp with their wet bathing suits and towels, they put it straight into the washing machine. They change into the other bathing suit, take another towel and when we get home it all goes into the washing machine.

It’s easier for me to run the washing machine than to hang up all these items because it guarantees everything is clean and I also don’t have space to hang all this stuff.

While my kids are not olympic swimmers, they are learning how to float and swim without holding on (and DS3 is still getting used to being in a pool).

Bike riding and swimming are great skills to have, instilled confidence in my kids and gave me some much needed exercise. The best part though- our quality family time.

Until next time,