A New Look (Again)

It’s not secret that most of the time I spend on my blog has nothing to do with writing blog posts.  That’s probably what a good blogger would do, but since this is my hobby, I can spend my time doing whatever I want- like updating the template.

It wasn’t too long ago that I had updated my blog template, but I was getting bored of what I had and decided to do another makeover.  A free one (of course).

Living with four boys can sometimes be a little “blue” so I made sure to have a lot of pink here.  This is really the only piece of real estate I can completely design according to my taste and I like pink 🙂

There aren’t many noteworthy new features I included.  The existing features just look and work a whole lot better than they did before.  The only new features I’ll point out are:

  1. The mobile version… it’s just like the desktop version, but easy to read on your mobile device.  Now that a new smartphone user, I thought that was a cool thing to have.
  2. The drop-down menu.  I always wanted a drop-down menu on my blog, but since it isn’ta standard feature offered on Blogger, I never had it.  I’ve tried implementing other code for it in the past, but never really liked the results.  I still have my sitemap, but love that all the topics are easy to see right from the start.  Make sure to try it out!

So, if you haven’t already seen it, click here to view my updated site.  If you think it’s nice to read, then consider using Bloglovin’ for your feed reader, so you can see it ever time I post 🙂

Until next time,