I am a full-time Jewish working mom with 3 wonderful kids (all boys!), an amazing husband and a schedule that I have a hard time keeping track of. Between working, taking care of the kids and keeping the house afloat, I don’t have much time (or energy) left for anything else, so I try to make the most out of what I have.
Why I Blog
I started this blog a few years ago mainly because everyone I knew had a blog and I wanted one too! Once I started, I couldn’t stop and eventually this blog evolved into a Jewish working mom/freezer cooking blog. Read more reasons why I blog here.
What I Blog About
Work-life balance and freezer cooking might seem like two completely different topics, but as you read more, you’ll see that one of my main survival tactics as a working mom is freezer cooking. It’s my lifesaver. The piece of practical advice I give to all other working women. It’s how I make Shabbos every week. And it’s how we live.
Jewish Working Mom
I work in corporate America. With that comes many, many challenges. I am so far from perfect, it isn’t funny. I send my kids to daycare, don’t fold my laundry, hate when there’s no school for what seems like no reason at all and freak out when my kids get sick. And I deal with mommy guilt every single day.
Kosher Freezer Cooking
Have I mentioned how much I love freezer cooking? I do. I don’t love to cook, but love eating homemade food, so with limited time, I rely on my freezer. Every now and then I post some freezer-friendly recipes along with freezer cooking tips and resources to help you out. I also share my super simple Shabbos menu plans for some super simple menu planning inspiration.
Organization and Routine
So, how do I manage to do it all? I keep organized and try to never ever ever veer from our routine. I now have a smartphone (there is an app for everything!) which helps me with all this and I try to post tips that work for me.
What to Expect
So, this is me and my life in a nutshell. I try not to share too many personal details- don’t want to embarrass my kids more than I have to, so I don’t use their real names. They are just DS1, DS2 and DS3 on this blog. My husband is DH and I’m Shaindy. And since I live with so many boys I try to add a lot of pink on this blog- my very own piece of real estate that I can decorate however I like.
I’m inviting you to come along and join me through it all, so hop on board! I try my best to post once a week. Commiserate, laugh, and learn along with me. Life is just too short to get caught up with the little stuff!
Don’t miss any of my tips, ideas, or recipes. Subscribe now!
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