My co-worker recommended that I read Becoming by Michelle Obama and I’m glad she did.
I am not into politics, so wasn’t sure I what I would think. From what I saw of Michelle Obama in the media I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through the book, but once I started I was hooked.

I think this quote sums up the reason I loved reading this book. Here are a few more reasons why I couldn’t put it down:
- She’s relatable. Michelle Obama started out as an ordinary person. She’s fortunate to have been born into a smart, loving, supportive family, which is not unusual for many of us.
- She’s a hard worker. She worked her way through school, built up her own career and took advantage of every opportunity that came her way.
- She has struggles. She wrote about how hard it was to step outside of her comfort zone when she joined her husband’s campaign trail. Just because she made it look easy, doesn’t mean it was.
- She has mentors. She didn’t try to do everything on her own and asked for advice. She also took note of those around her and learned from their actions.
- She has doubts about herself and her capabilities.
- She used her power for good. Once she was in a position of influence she used it for good. She worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity and healthy eating.
I think by learning all of these things about Michelle Obama she became a very real person to me. She wasn’t just a figure head or a privileged person. She is real and not all that different than the rest of us. And these are the types of people I like reading about.
What good books have you read lately?
Until next time,