With the start of school and all of the upcoming holidays I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed. We have new teachers with new homework styles to get used to. A later dismissal schedule for DS1. A loaded work schedule. Doctor appointments. Sounds like the usual, so I’m not quite sure why I’m feeling this way more now than I’ve every felt before.
In moments of feeling overwhelmed I’ve mentioned to people how I would love it if I could just take a few months off from work. I’d spend my time organizing my house, going to all the places I never have time to go to, learn how to cook normal dinners, etc… Really the list is so long I don’t even want to try and complete it. But you get the point. I just want a long period of time where I can do things I want to do and do them my way without any obligations outside of my family.
But the funny thing is that when I mentioned this to co-workers they laugh at me and comment, “if you didn’t work you’d be so bored!”
Which gets me thinking… would I really be bored?
I agree that some people love to be busy all the time and would get bored within a day or two, but I don’t think I would. I’m almost 100% positive that I would be just fine.
There are so many things that need to get done on a daily basis, that I will be able to find enough things to fill up my time. They may not be the important types of things, but I really think I’d be busy enough that I wouldn’t have time to be bored.
What about you? Would you be bored if you took an extended leave from work? Would you enjoy it? Hate it?
Until next time,