Check Out My New Look!

I like change and wanted a new blog template (check it out here – for those reading this post through a blog reader and didn’t already see it). One that was unique to only my blog. So, I set out to figure out a way to get it done.  I had …

The Neighborly Thing To Do

I always thought the idea of sending meals to a neighbor after childbirth was really nice. It sounded like such a simple way to help out, until I was asked to cook one. Just the thought of providing a meal for a family of 6(!) made me freak out and …

Word-full Wednesday

A common blog theme is “Wordless Wednesdays” where bloggers post a picture without any words.  I was going to do that, but the urge to put in a caption or just a few words of explanation took over.  One of the blogs I read posted a link to where …

Absent-Minded Casserole

I decided to make the boys tuna noodle casserole for tonight’s dinner.  I did all the prep work last night so I could just pull it out of the fridge and serve it.  Everything went according to plan and it smelled delicious. On my way to work this morning I …

Take The Status Quo Challenge

All the blogs I read started the new year with a challenge.  Whether it’s eating healthier or being a better homemaker all these challenges are focusing on taking time to be better at something you already do.  Well, what about those of us who struggle to keep the status quo? …

Hobbies? Who Has Time?

Before I got married and had kids I had hobbies.  I took needlepoint classes, went to the gym and enjoyed dinner out with my friends.  After the kids came, all of this stopped.  Instead of going to the gym on my way home I go to daycare and instead of …