5 Dinners in 1 Hour

I love once a month cooking for Shabbos meals, but our weekday dinners have been less than ideal. We usually just have whatever is in the freezer, which probably means it isn’t as healthy as it could be. So, while browsing the web I came across Make 5 Dinners in …

Why Plan?

There are so many reasons to plan your menus ahead of time.  Whether you do it weekly or monthly, it can be a lifesaver.  Here’s a list of the reasons I do it: Save Time Less time in the kitchen will mean more time with your family.  When you plan …

The key to my success

The key to my success (and sanity) is my Weekly Schedule.  When I returned to work 12 weeks after DS2’s birth, I felt overwhelmed with everything that needed to be done.  I also knew that I couldn’t expect my husband to know what I wanted accomplished, so I put it all …