Time for Shabbos

After a long week that included time with a sick kid, I think this picture just about sums up how I feel: Hope everyone has a great Shabbos!

Bedtime Routines

 As my kids get older their routines change. I have no complaints about that- I think it’s quite normal; it’s just hard for me to get used to and change my routine along with theirs. Take for example bedtime. When DS2 was about a year old, I would just put …

Changes Are Hard

Yesterday I took DS1 for his pre-school orientation and although he was excited to go, you would’ve never known it while we were there. He didn’t talk, didn’t smile, didn’t play and did not leave my side. I was a little bit surprised at his attitude. I assumed that he …

Wrong Side of the Bed

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. 4:45am is not a time we should be waking up, but that’s when I woke up. I was about to fall back asleep when DS1 called me from his room to tell me he had another accident. It was …

Post-Upsherin Post

This past Sunday was DS1’s upsherin! We really lucked out with the weather and had a great time. DS1 was ok with the haircutting we did, but soon after, it was time for a trip to the barber. DH was the lucky one to take him and from what I …