DIY: Hadlakas Neiros Tefila

One of my favorite wedding gifts was a glass statuette with the tefilla a woman says after hadlakas neiros (candle lighting).  It was something I used every week and adorned the small spot on our buffet next to my candlesticks. Well, after having 3 rambunctious boys, said gift fell on …

Happy End of Chanuka!

Can you believe it’s the last day of Chanuka already?? As a working mom, I loved that Chanuka fell out the same time as Thanksgiving… because that means that DS1 had Chanuka vacation when we had off from work.  We didn’t have to take off any extra days! And, I’m …

Shana Tova!

Can you believe Rosh Hashana is tomorrow night??  I can’t!  At this point, I’m not even sure how I’m going to be ready in time.  I know tomorrow will be a mad rush- I’m working regular hours, trying to desperately save my vacation time. I spent most of the long …

Religion-Life Balance: Tisha B’av I’ve been thinking a lot about next Tuesday, Tisha B’av.  The serious days on the Jewish calendar always pose a challenge for me. I find it hard to focus on the meaning of the day since I still have to take care of everything else that goes on in …

Shavuos Recap

We made it through a successful Shavuos!  It was a long week, but we did it.  We definitely had enough food, and although I definitely missed the cheesecake, I didn’t miss the extra calories. We kept the kids busy and our days organized, which even gave me some time to …

Shavuos Checklists and Menu

We are staying home for Shavuos!  I made that decision on our way home the night Pesach ended.  It took 5+ years and 3 kids to finally reach the point where it’s easier and more enjoyable to stay home for Shabbos/Yom tov than it is to go away. Since this will …