Freezer Cooking For Pesach

Yes, it is possible!  As a busy, working woman, it can be overwhelming to make Pesach, but with the right amount of planning and the right mindset, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Pesach is the one holiday you can’t really cook for in advance- unless you’re one of …

Pesach Prep is Underway!

Now that Purim has passed, it’s time to move on to Pesach prep.  I took a look at the list I made last year and remembered that even though we went away for all eight days, there was still plenty that had to be done. Aside from shopping and cleaning …

Purim 2013- Our Shalach Manos

I was never really into themed Shalach Manos until I realized how easy it could be.  You don’t have to do anything elaborate and your theme can include only two items if you want it to. Since we’ve been married, DH has been dying to give out Diet Coke and …

Freezer Cooking for Chanuka

Almost everyone I know attends some sort of Chanuka party.  I’ve never thrown my own party, but figured with a little advance freezer cooking, it might not be so hard. Here are some links to recipes I found for traditional Chanuka foods that freeze well.  Of course, some things are …

Thanksgiving 2012- Recap

I love spending time with my family!  We had a really great Thanksgiving weekend and I’m so sad it’s over.  As with any vacation, it went by way too quickly.  We don’t make our own Thanksgiving feast, but were lucky enough to be invited to friends.  We had a great …

Costume Day

As you know, DS2 is in a non-Jewish daycare which comes along with the recognition of non-Jewish holidays.  By now I’ve gotten used to it, although I still wish our old daycare was around and that he can be in a Jewish environment with Shabbos parties and kosher food.  But, …

Tishrei 5773 Re-cap

It’s hard to believe it, but we survived all of yom tov! Since we were away for all of the yomim tovim, but home in between, it feels like most of our time was spent unpacking, doing laundry and re-packing. I lightly modified my packing list and printed a new …