Planning for Shabbos- Again!

I can’t believe it’s going to be Shabbos again!  I’m so not in the mood to plan a menu.  Planning the Shabbos-Shavuos-Shabbos menues were a lot for me and we were fortunate enough to go away last Shabbos. So, since it won’t plan itself, here’s what we came up with: …

Our first Yom Tov at home

This was our first yom tov at home and it was so nice!  DH made a delicious dairy lunch meal- with 2 quiches, salmon and a peanut butter cheesecake with a brownie crust.  It sounds good, but his usual cheesecake happens to be even better.  We got to share the …

No-fail Shabbos Guest Menu

As I’ve mentioned before, we don’t have company very often.  When we do, we like to have a good time and treat ourselved to foods we don’t usually have.  We also like to make enough so we’ll have leftovers for the following week 😉 This past Shabbos we hosted DH’s …