Getting Ready for School

I cannot believe that we now have 2 kids in school!  Both boys started school on Wednesday and seem to really love it so far. Getting ready for school was tough.  I have had the most crazy work schedule I can remember.  I’ve had to give up some of my …

Pictures at Work

Do you have pictures of your kids/family at work? The other day I was looking at my desk and noticed I don’t really have anything personal on it.  No pictures, chatchkes (not sure of the spelling on that one), or anything that really says anything about me. I know that …

All Kids Misbehave

Whenever my kids misbehave my first thought is that it’s because I don’t spend enough time with them.  If I were home more, these things wouldn’t happen. If only I would read more to them… If only I would give them healthier snacks… If only I would encourage them to …

My New Look (in progress)

The ladies in my office are so fashionable! I totally want to dress like them (and be a size 2 like them too!), but I just don’t have a fashion gene in me. I’m slowly working on updating my look and finally got rid of one full garbage bag of …

Dismissal Mom-Guilt

I always have  a huge dose of mom-guilt when I pick up my kids from school/daycare. Being able to send DS1 to yeshiva is such a blessing, but it also comes with many challenges.  He ends school at 4pm, so we have a babysitter pick him up.  There’s just no …