Modestly Dressed

Dressing modestly is becoming increasingly hard for me as time goes on.  I haven’t worked in a Jewish environment for quite some time, so there’s always that temptation of wanting to dress like everyone else.  Don’t worry- I’m not talking about showing too much skin, but in this hot weather, …

We Can’t Have it All

Just this past Friday a close friend of mine emailed me about how she recently came to the realization that although she is glad to be a working mom, she cannot agressivly persue her dream career path… at least not now that she has children.  I couldn’t agree with her more and told …

Afternoon Babysitter

We finally got confirmation that our department will be moving to a new location in the beginning of July.  Since my commute will be much longer, I would have to leave work by 4pm to make it home in time to pick the kids up from daycare.  While I’d love to …

Why We Chose Daycare

All new parents have to decide what’s best for them and their children regarding childcare.  Over three years ago, before DS1 was born, we started thinking about it and ultimately made the decision to send to daycare. Here are the main reasons we chose daycare: Supervised environment Licensed CPR certified staff …

The Mediocre Mom Feeling

It’s no secret that I want to be two different people. On one hand I want to be the most awesome stay-at-home mom ever and on the other hand I want to be a powerful career woman. Juggling all of my responsibilities is sometimes sooo hard that I wish I …

Stop and Smell the Roses

I’m having a bad day. Ok, make that a bad week. It’s the first week of the month, so things at work are crazy hectic. We’ve already been faced with multiple issues and there are even some issues that are re-surfacing from last month. I just want to go home!! …