A New Start

Today was the first day of our new daycare.  Things went better than expected.  I made sure to have a (huge) bag for each kid with everything they would need for daycare.  I also made sure to pack DS1 with some extra snacks to make his first day a little bit …

It’s Been Decided

July 22nd. That will be the last day of daycare. The building was sold and they have not been able to find a suitable location for the camp and without the income from camp, there can’t be a daycare. They also couldn’t secure a proper location for the daycare. At …

One of those days

You know those days.  You have that feeling of not having enough time to do the things you need to do, but really don’t want to do?  That is exactly what my day was like.  It was the 4th business day of the month so I had loads of emails …

Time to myself? Let’s see…

A recent survey in Britain polled 3,000 mothers and they found that on average, working parents have 90 minutes a day of free time.  You can read the article here:  Free Time for Parents. Ninety minutes sounded like a lot to me, so I decided to see if it was …


There is just so much to do.  Grocery shopping.  Cooking for Shabbos. The laundry is already piling up. Folding clean laundry and wiping down the bathroom sink?  Yeah right.  Changing the linen!?!   Ha!  Maybe next week. By the time Wednesday rolls around, I usually get this overwhelming feeling of “how …


Funding for daycare next year was approved!!!  We (along with many other parents) are so relieved!

What will we do without you?

We just found out that the daycare we’ve come to love might not be able to reopen next year.  They sold the building and were sure they’d be able to move to a new location, but now they might not have enough funding.  Frustrating how it all boils down to …