Work Uniforms

The other day I was cleaning out my closet and realized that I don’t have nothing to wear. In fact, I have some very nice outfits that I should wear more often. So why is it that every morning I open my closet, peak in and declare I have nothing …

I Made it Through Purim Week!

Wow, I’m so happy I made it through last week! Snow, fast day, Purim festivities and more snow made my work week so stressful in terms of getting everything done and making childcare arrangements. Monday was a late start due to snow, Tuesday was DS’s Purim play (I couldn’t be …

I Hate Snow Days

Snow days… Oh snow days… here are the things I hate about you: You throw off my entire schedule. You use up my vacation days.  Since I can’t work from home with all the kids home too, I’ve been working half days. You cause commuting delays the day after. And …