Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Donuts

donuts25This month’s Kosher Connection linkup’s theme is Thanksgivukkah- a mashup of Chanukah and Thanksgiving themed recipes.  Of course I went with something super easy.  And I made sure it had chocolate.

The simplicity of this recipe lies in the ingredients.  There are only two of them, so I don’t even know if this is considered a real recipe.

donuts4Basically you open a can of pumpkin and a box of cake mix.  Mix them together and bake!  That’s all.

The one “inconvenient” part of making this is that I needed to use my hand-mixer.  Just remember that when using a mixer you should make sure it’s unplugged or at the very least turned off when you put the beaters in.  Can you tell I don’t bake much?

Moving on…

Making donuts is much easier than I thought!  I don’t have one of those fancy donut pans, so I improvised with a cookie sheet and aluminum foil:

donuts3There are so many ways I could’ve made this recipe, but not surprisingly I chose the chocolate route- in a donut shape for that Chanukah feel.

Here are some Thanksgivukkah variations I thought of:

  • white cake mix, pumpkin, dried cranberries
  • spice cake mix and pumpkin in muffin pan with cranberry sauce filling (my Thanksgivukkah take on a jelly donut)

Or, you can play around with it.  For this recipe I made donuts, but you can also make Chanukah gelt cookies:

donut5In case you need the “recipe” again, here it is:

Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Donuts


  • 1 15 oz can pure pumpkin
  • 1 box Devil's Food cake mix


  • Mix ingredients
  • Bake on 350 for 13-15 minutes


Wishing you all a very happy Chanukah!


Check out what the other bloggers came up with for this challenge:

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Until next time,