One of my favorite wedding gifts was a glass statuette with the tefilla a woman says after hadlakas neiros (candle lighting). It was something I used every week and adorned the small spot on our buffet next to my candlesticks.
Well, after having 3 rambunctious boys, said gift fell on the floor and shattered into many pieces. Too many to glue back together. I looked into buying another hadlakas neiros tefila frame, but the ones I really loved most were priced a bit too high for my budget. So, instead I just used a bentcher.
Then one day it clicked. I could make my own hadlakas neiros tefila frame to have next to my candlesticks.
Like most Jewish families, we have a ton of bentchers. My DH likes to take at least one from every simcha we attend, so our collection is quite large.
To make my own, all I did was find a picture frame I liked and sift through our bentcher collection. I turned to the first page of each bentcher to find one with hadlakas neiros in a layout that I liked. I wanted all the brachos and the tefila to be on the same page. I also had to make sure the bentcher was shaped to fit into my picture frame. (I figured that no one would miss the first page of a bentcher…)
Then I assembled and now I have a beautiful (and frugal) hadlakas neiros tefila to use every week.
Until next time,