A few years ago there was a study that said that you are less likely to achieve your goals if you announce them. Read this article for more info. Here are two of the points the article mentions:
- Announcing your goals “creates a premature sense of completeness.”
- You will feel good about telling others what you intend to do, but intention does not equate to motivation.
Now that it’s the beginning of the secular year and everyone is setting new career goals and objectives, what are your thoughts on this? Do you tell people your goals?
In general, I do tell people my goals… if I think they could help me reach them or feel that they need encouragement to set their own goals. However, the goals that I need to focus on alone and don’t want anyone’s input are the ones I keep to myself… so I guess it’s a mix.
Do you share your goals with others? Why or why not?
Until next time,