Enjoy the Busy Seasons in Your Personal Life

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This week is so busy for us and I’m not quite sure how we’re going to get through it!

In a nutshell I have a very small family and my cousin is b”h getting married tonight! While this is the best reason to be so busy, it’s not easy when you have to go to work and can’t just take off the week to celebrate.

This past Shabbos we were away at the aufrauf, which meant we had to leave very early on Friday afternoon. The wedding is on Tuesday night, which means we will have to leave early in the afternoon to get there and we will get home late at night. I have no idea how my kids will make it to school on time tomorrow. If I can’t get them up that means DH or I will also have to be late to work.

Then on Thursday night we’re invited to sheva brachos. Yay! Except on top of all this I have an appointment scheduled for one of my children at 4:15pm, which means another day I won’t be at work.

I’m so fortunate that I can work from home on these days, but they are still stressful because there is so much to do in such a short amount of time. Plus I still want to show my co-workers I’m a team player and putting in my time- which is hard to do when every other day I have another reason for leaving early.

While my work isn’t suffering and my co-workers don’t need to fill in for me, I think that anything out of our ordinary schedule can add extra stress and tension.

I’m trying my best not to let the stress get to me and to be able to fully enjoy all these happy experiences. In the end I will always remember the family events and I can almost guarantee you that I will not remember what was going on at work. 😉

How do you handle busy seasons in your personal life?

Until next time,