Feedly + The Blogs I Read

Tapping into Tech is where I review my favorite apps and tell you why they are super awesome for working moms.

Every day on my commute to and from work I spend a little time perusing the blogs I follow.

Each blog I read offers something different. Some are motivational, some practical and some are just plain old fun to read. The others are in a category I like to call, “Nice for them… I’ll just look at the pictures.” These are design blogs that are written by people who over organize and seem to have much more time in their days than I do. Nonetheless I like seeing what others do in hope that it will inspire me to be a better homemaker.

In order to keep track of the blogs I follow I use a blog reader app called Feedly.

If you don’t know what Feedly is, it’s an app/website where you can keep track of all of the blogs you read in one location. I don’t need to check each of my favorite websites, the updates are sent to me in my Feedly reader.  As soon as I add a blog to my account all new posts will appear in Feedly.

You can access Feedly via Web browser or app on a phone, tablet or computer. You can bookmark your favorite posts and organize the blogs you follow into categories.

I have all my blogs categorized. The awesome thing is that you can name your categories whatever you want. Here are some of the categories I use:

  • Homemaking
  • Cooking Blogs
  • Crafts/DIY
  • Blogging
  • Technology
  • Work Related

There are many blog reader apps, I but liked this one because the app is neat and east to use and the website wasn’t blocked on my work computer.

I’ve been using Feedly for years and honestly thought everyone used some sort of blog readers until I was speaking with a group of friends and they had no idea what I was talking about! So, friends, this post is for you!

Blogs I Read

Today I also wanted to share with you some of the blogs I’ve been reading. If I like them, you may too. This is not an extensive list and I feel like I have to say that if a blog isn’t mentioned, it doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I literally just chose a handful to tell you about.

So here we go (in no particular order… really- this is the order they appear in my blog reader).

The Pioneer Woman – This blog offers a bit of everything. It’s fun to read and has some gorgeous pictures of sunsets.

Inside Out Style – Where I learned about dressing for your body shape and how to develop my own style that was just perfect for me.

Money Saving Mom – Giving yourself grace is the theme of most posts on this blog. I love the almost daily posts that encourage me to work on myself without feeling the need to strive for perfection.

Just a Girl and Her Blog – This is a homestyle/organizing/blogging blog. You never know what the next post topic will be about or what type of e-book they’ll produce next. I also liked that theyused to show their monthly blogging income. Maybe I’m nosy, but I always wondered how much someone can make from blogging full-time.

The Homes I Have Made – Gorgeous DIY crafts. I love learning about the military lifestyle and find it interesting when there are posts on how to re-do the same item multiple ways.

Kosher Moms – My dear friend Shoshie has a blog with delicious recipes.  Follow her on Instagram too so you can see even more!

She Just Glows – Love the honesty. This super cool lady had 3 kids under 3 and isn’t afraid to write about what it’s really like. I also love that she posted monthly photos of her body post-pregnancy. They are real and un-edited.

Blog reader not for you? Subscribe to my email list and my posts will be sent directly to your inbox on the day they are posted!

What blogs have you been reading lately? Do you use a blog reader? Which one would you recommend?

Until next time,