Lately it’s been a challenge for me to find time to blog. I love sharing my thoughts and love choosing the pictures and colors in each post. It’s a great creative outlet that works for me. There are no time constraints, no deadlines and no high expectations. I don’t make money from this venture, but it’s been fun.
I used to spend time at night writing and formatting my posts. Now that I get home later, my kids go to bed later and I try to go to sleep earlier I don’t have the time I used to.
This is why I haven’t been posting as often as I used to. The only reason I’ve been able to keep up this blog is because of my phone (and long commute). I use Google Keep to write my posts and change the color of the note when it’s ready to be posted. It’s not a perfect system but its been working for me.
So basically, on my phone is a list of half-written posts, notes with post ideas and completed posts I haven’t had time to actually post.
As we end summer, start school and head into the chagim, please bear with me. I hope that after things settle down, I can get my act together! If I only post once a week or once every-other week in the near future, please know that I will be back — at least that is my plan for now!
I hope all of you had a great summer and are getting some rest and relaxation in before it officially ends. I hope to update you on how my month was in my month in review post.
Until next time,