Firm Mobility

Today I attended a “Lunch and Learn” on Firm Mobility. Some points that I thought were really interesting and good to keep in mind as I develop my career:
  • Be a top performer in what you do and get noticed by others
  • Be adaptable. Do not be afraid of change. Be able to work outside of your comfort zone.
  • Be optimistic- no one wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude.
  • Be transparent. Don’t have a hidden agenda. Use your annual performance review to make it known what your career goals are.
  • Work on projects that are multi-disciplined to gain exposure in other departments
  • Be an expert in something that is transferable.
  • Network! Call people to make things more personal and let them know you are looking for a different opportunity.
  • The time to start looking for a new position is a personal decision. One indication can be when you stop learning from your manager. You should always be in a position where you are learning.
  • Keep your resume current. You never know when a good opportunity will present itself.

Until next time,