First Day of Camp

Today was filled with mommy-guilt.  It was DS1’s first day of camp and I wasn’t the one to bring him there.  I know that he was well taken care of and he is only 4 years old, but I still feel like there are certain things a mom should do with her children and this is one of them.

I know I sound like a broken record.  I guess with all of these events and knowing that I have two more kids to go through it with, I haven’t really found the right balance yet.  I take off of work when I need to- like when they are sick, school/camp ends early or they have a class presentation, but I never really know if I’m doing enough.  I certainly don’t always feel like I am.

Should I have taken the morning off to take DS1 to camp?  Should I have made more of an effort and arranged to work from home?  I don’t know the right answer; I can only justify my own.

I didn’t take DS1 to camp today.  Tomorrow I have to work from home because camp ends early (fast day- 17th of Tammuz).  Working from home two days in a row doesn’t look good in my opinion and I cannot justify taking off a morning for a 5-minute event basically consists of watching DS1 walk into the camp building.

I know I’ll forget about this in a few days, but for now, I’m letting the mommy-guilt take over.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do more for my kids.

How do you handle the first day of camp/school?  Do you make sure to be the one to take/pick-up your kids?

Until next time,