Freezer Cooking For Pesach

Yes, it is possible!  As a busy, working woman, it can be overwhelming to make Pesach, but with the right amount of planning and the right mindset, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Pesach is the one holiday you can’t really cook for in advance- unless you’re one of those lucky people with a Pesach kitchen in your basement, so planning is key to making the most of your cooking time.

Before the actual planning, keep in mind that even though this is a holiday with a list of restricted foods, you can still incorporate freezer cooking into your meal planning.

Cook For Your Freezer!

  • Try to have the same dishes more than once during the holiday, so you can cook once and freeze some for later.
  • Think ahead. Consider whether or not you can/will eat a dish after Pesach. If so, it may be worthwhile to make extra for after Pesach in order to stock your freezer (for your inevitable return to work). 
    • ex: soups, meatballs, compote… 

With your freezer in mind, take these tips into consideration for a calm pre-holiday:
Menu Plan

  • Keep the menu simple
  • Write out a plan for EVERY meal
    • Include Chol Hamoed
    • Think about Shabbos and other days immediately before and after Pesach
  • Make a list of snacks your family enjoys

Find Recipes

  • With every recipe you consider making, ask yourself- Does it freeze well?
  • Find Kosher L’Pesach (KLP) recipes online
  • Use some of your family favorites that are already KLP
  • Determine which of your family favorites can easily be converted to KLP

Make a Detailed Shopping List 

  • Organize your shopping list by which store each item will be purchased in. The more detailed your list, the less time you spend trying to figure out where to go for each item.

Assign a Date/Time for Each Task

  • When will you shop at each store?
  • When will you cook/prepare each item?

I hope you find these tips helpful!   Wishing all of you a calm couple of weeks before the big day!

Until next time,