Fridge, Freezer and Pantry Inventory Printables

updatedPrintablesA long time ago I put together a freezer inventory printable and posted it here on this little ol’ blog. It was my hope that it would be easy for you to use and maintain.

A few nights ago I received an email asking if I could create the same thing, just write “fridge inventory” and “pantry inventory” at the top. This reader wanted a whole set for her charitable work.

This is perfect timing!  I feel like now that the holidays are over I can get back into a normal schedule and make organization and freezer cooking part of my routine.

Since I didn’t have the originals anymore, I recreated the original. The columns are in an order I think is more useful and the font is a bit different, since I couldn’t remember exactly which font I had used in the original.

I’m posting all 3 new inventories and home they are useful for you. Just click on the links and enjoy!

  1. Fridge Inventory
  2. Freezer Inventory
  3. Pantry Inventory

Want more printables?  Contact me and let me know!

Until next time,