Front Coat Closet Organization – How My Kids Can Always Find Their Gloves

Winter is finally here. With the hot weather Rosh Hashanah and Succos I thought it may never come!

For my closet this time of year is just a jumble of coats, hats and mismatched gloves. Last year I organized my closet to make it work for us and today I’m sharing the things that are working. Hopefully this will inspire some of you who are feeling overwhelmed by the mess!


When we first moved into our house DH bought this awesome shoe bin for us. It’s not the prettiest, but now Ikea makes a ton of different designs and finishes. It’s super functional and sits right where my kids take off their shoes.


Boots are big and don’t fit in our shoe bin. We also don’t use them frequently so they stay at the bottom of our closet.

Kid Gloves/Hats

A while ago I bought these huge drawer organizers of my husband’s closet. He didn’t need them anymore so I re-purposed them and they now sit at the bottom of the closet. There are two drawers and my kids can reach them. One drawer has baseball caps and the other has all of the kids winter hats and gloves. Easy for them to access by themselves and no excuse for not putting their stuff away.


Adult gloves, scarves and hats

While the kids stuff is at the bottom of the closet, the adult stuff is at the top. I had bought these soft bins for our old house and continued using them in the new house. One is for me, one for DH and the other has miscellaneous stuff… sometimes it’s even empty.


DH is adamant that we all hang up our coats each day. This is instead of hanging them on chairs for easy acceess. I don’t blame him for this one- the house looks much better when things are put away, but this one has always been hard for me, since I am the one who’s attitude had always been, “why hang up my coat when in just gonna wear it again?”

I trained myself to hang up my coat, but the problem was that my kids couldn’t reach the hangers to hang up their coats, so I bought an attachment (similar to this one) that makes another lower rod in the closet. Not only did this give us more space but made the boys coats easily accessible to them.

These solutions have been working for us. Everything has a place where it belongs and is easily accessible (even for the vertically challenged).  Do things get messy?  Of course, but when they do I can quickly straighten things out because everything has its place.

How do you organize your coat closet?

Until next time,