Goodbye Ziplist – My Search for a New Grocery List App

I never thought I’d lose one of my favorite apps.  I just thought it would be around forever or at least until I found a really good replacement.  Well, that day has come… on December 10th, Ziplist will be gone.

I posted about how I use Ziplist- it has an awesome shopping list that sorts items by aisle.   It stores my online recipes and with a click I can add the ingredients from that recipe straight to my shopping list.  It also used to have a menu planner function, but unfortunately that was discontinued in July.

It was perfect for planning my cooking days and making my weekly shopping lists!

One of my favorite features that I never even mentioned was that I was able to sync my list with DH’s.  I would add things to the list and he would go shopping on his way home from work with the most current list already saved in his phone.  No need to email him.

So, you can all imagine how I feel right now.  I feel lost.  Like, how will I function without this app?  I’ve become so dependent on it!


I started doing some research on replacements… but nothing is perfect…


So, let ‘s go through my list of requirements and then I’ll explain why I chose/didn’t choose certain apps.

My Requirements

  1. Shared Lists– as I mentioned, DH does the shopping, so it’s important that he can see everything I add to the list. I prefer an app that we can share and I don’t have to actually email him the list
  2. Mobile Apps– a must.  I don’t print out a shopping list anymore.  Ever.
  3. Recipe Box– I want a good way to store the recipes I find online and cook often.
  4. Recipe to Shopping List– Since my recipes are stored in the app, I want to be able to click a button and add the ingredients I need to my shopping list without flipping back and forth between recipe and list.
  5. Menu Planner- I didn’t use this feature very often, but it came in super handy when we had a busy week or I wanted to plan meals for a 3-day yom tov.
  6. Automatically Sort Grocery List- If I add apples to my list I want it to show up under “produce” near the oranges.  A mishkabobbled list would be a major step backwards.  This is why I am specifically searching for grocery apps and not just list-making apps.

My Reviews


My Plans

Ziplist recommends you switch over to Epicurious.  The online version was just like Ziplist, but the mobile app was horrible. So, needless to say I kept searching for sometyhing better.

For now I’m going to use Pepper Plate, even though it doesn’t have a way to share the shopping list.  In order to share the shopping list I will just sign into my account on DH’s phone.  I will however be on the lookout for an updated Epicurious app and the Copy Me That app.

What app do you use for your grocery lists?  Were you also disappointed that Ziplist is going away?

Until next time,