Hobbies? Who Has Time?

Before I got married and had kids I had hobbies.  I took needlepoint classes, went to the gym and enjoyed dinner out with my friends.  After the kids came, all of this stopped.  Instead of going to the gym on my way home I go to daycare and instead of doing crafts on Sunday I do laundry.  At night I barely have time to myself and when I do, I’m just too darn tired.

The last time I tried to make time for doing needlepoint was when I was on maternity leave with DS2.  I had 12 weeks off and since I was home, I figured, why not?  Well, I’ll tell you why not.  I was home with a newborn!  Needless to say, I basically took out all of my supplies, set myself up, did a few stitches and then that was it.  It’s taken me over a year to put all the stuff away, because I’m still hopeful that one day I will sit and do it.

“Stars of the Millennium”

I hate seeing all of my unfinished projects… that is why they are stored in my basement or at my parents’ house.  All those scarves I started knitting and the hats I never finished crocheting.  Whenever I think about spending time on these hobbies it feels like I have more important things to do and if I don’t then I should.  There’s like a certain amount of mom-guilt I feel when I think about spending time by myself doing the things I like.

I’m hoping that one day I will be able to have more “me” time, but until then, when someone asks if I have any hobbies, I will have to say that taking care of my family is my hobby.  And it’s the greatest hobby that I’ve ever had.

How do you fit your hobbies into your schedule? 

Until next time,